Energy Saving, Waste Elimination
不少行業例如化工、玻璃、石油、紡織、印染、陶瓷等所需要的壓縮空氣工作壓力只有0.3-0.5.Mpa. 然
Many industries, such as Chemical, Glass, Oil, Textile, Printing, and Ceramic, only need 0.3Mpa
to 0.5Mpa compressed air. However these industries are using 0.7Mpa to 1.0Mpa compressors
with a pressure reducing valve to get the low pressure air, which is indeed a huge energy waste.
ln order to fulfill these industries’needs, DREAM developed a new series of Low Pressure Screw
Air Compressors which can output the exact low pressure air that you are looking for.